Dear all,
Fantastic news!!! By2 has release a newest album titled: Twins. They release in two version. Which is limited stock and unlimited stock. By2 twins are hot and famous now! Just send an email or call up yako to get the album if you are intrested!!! Autographed and non-autographed.We will put up the pictures below for reference. Limited and unlimited difference?
Limited:Cd+Dvd+80 pages of limited BY2 pictures!!!
Unlimited:Cd+Dvd only-
So what are you waiting for?!! Please be hurry as there will be no stock soon!!!
非常好的消息要宣布~ By2 出新的专辑了!专辑名称:Twins. 华文的意思是双胞胎。 这个专辑分了两版。一个是限量版,另一个是普通版。改版还没出。但是限量版正在热卖中!爱By2的迷,要马上抢购哦!想要问分别是什么吗?我来跟大家分析一下。(有签了名的,也有没签的。)
限量版:Cd+Dvd+By2 的限量80页图片。
Yako, 小不点:
Phone +6594498090
(限量版)(Limited version)
(Normal version) (普通版)